- Microscope Services
- What is the difference between a K3 a Falcon 4i Camera?
- How do I get on the microscopes?
- What type of screening services does PNCC offer?
- How does PNCC prioritize groups for staff-assisted grid optimization and/or screening services?
- Can users independently use the microscopes?
- Can I bring my samples on-site to be vitrified at PNCC?
- How many people from our proposal can we send for an on-site visit?
- What are the maximum hours that can be scheduled?
- How do I get Krios time?
- What are “Krios-ready” or pre-screened grids?
- Why do grids need to be clipped?
- Will you clip my grids?
- Where do I send shipments?
- How many grids can I send?
- Can we send grids in a storage puck?
- Can I send other samples than what is listed in my proposal?
- When will our scheduling request be booked?
- Why is my scheduling request being skip over?
- Can I have multiple reservations?
- Can users load PNCC microscopes?
- Where can I leave feedback?